Worked alongside Engagement Director to maintain Vanderbilt Hillel Instagram page and send weekly emails.
Previously served as student Vice President of Communications on Executive Board before role became an internship.
Worked with numerous communications professionals on a variety of projects including graphic design, videography, and photography.
Designed logos for a NASA branch and for the JETS II internship program.
Designed coupons to be distributed at both the athletics luncheon and Parents and Family Weekend.
Created new logo and Instagram post for store Ambassadors.
Created advertisement for athletics program.
Created logos for individual apps and platforms.
Developed branding for teams within the Information Systems department.
Designed merchandise to promote the launch of a new app within the company.
Designed for three gallery shows and their corresponding events.
Created Instagram posts to promote shows, flyers to introduce shows, and bifolds to provide moreinformation and a tangible takeaway.
Used Belmont’s Brand Book to develop Instagram post templates for the Social Media Intern to utilize.
Created flyers for individual residence halls to make informationabout each hall more accessible to new students.
Assisted in leading monthly meetings of the organization.
Served on various committees, including helping to accept artwork for gallery shows and working on a mural design for local non-profit The Store.
Artwork displayed as part of biblio/graphic space responding to the Fredrick Hart Studio Museum.
Previously served as Vice President (2023-2024) and Social Media Director (2022-2023).
Helped to found the organization, the first Jewish student organization in Belmont’s history, alongside staff from Belmont and Vanderbilt.
Awarded New Student Organization of the Year in 2024.
Organized Belmont’s first ever High Holiday services and events, attended by over forty students.
Worked alongside Social Media Coordinator to maintain belmontadmissions Instagram account and promote Belmont to prospective students.
Created various graphics for events, including signs, maps, and slideshows.
Graduation: May 2025
GPA: 3.950
Dean’s List every semester
Honors Program
Alpha Chi Honor Society
Received Student Judge’s Choice Award for NOCD Campaign.
Received Student Gold Award for NOCD Campaign.
Received Academic Merit Scholarship from Belmont University.
Received Leu Scholarship from Watkins College of Art at Belmont University.